Our Services

Planning an Event?
I’m an Event Planner! You’re an Event Planner! We’re all Event Planners! Don’t send in the medic just yet. The statements have a purpose.
At some point in our lives, we probably helped put on a birthday party or even a backyard tea party at the wee age of 6 years old. So whether your guests were inanimate, just family or friends or something a lot more official, we could say we have put on an event and wouldn’t be fibbing. Let’s face it, events can be very time consuming and extremely taxing on a company’s resources especially one with very little in-house expertise. You see, the little stuff doll wouldn’t mind if the tea was pretend but your clients would appreciate something more tangible in their glass. Luckily, we live for product launches, intimate corporate mixers and conferences (got a few signature ones we put on too!) And since you have years of experience from the good ole tea party days, we encourage clients to tell us what they want so they are always part of the process. At your events, we showcase the best of you!
We help to develop

Event Plans

Execution Frameworks

Sponsorship Programmes

Budget & Allocation

Event Strategy



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